Friday, September 01, 2006


I know it feels real but resistance is really created by your thoughts. It comes from thinking about reality instead of experiencing it. Consider for a moment any resistance and resulting procrastination you may be feeling about a pending project. Now consider a project you recently completed. What'’s the difference between the two. The difference is action versus thought. The thoughts create feelings. Voila resistance.

We get so used to areas of resistance in our life sometimes they become almost invisible to us. One way to identify areas of resistance is to look at things you are wanting in your life and not getting. The degree to which we resist what we don'’t want equals the degree to which we arenÂ’t allowing what we do want into our lives. So we unconsciously resist bringing into our lives the things we want because we wonÂ’t accept the things which we already have wanted or unwanted.

If you are resisting a person at your office or a function of your job or your entire job,– you are equally resisting something that you do want in your life. Oh it may not feel like you a’re resisting that new job. It may feel like you are wanting it badly. But the resistance to the job you currently have is holding the new job at bay.

The good news is that I don'’t believe that we are ever given anything that we cannot use. So when you feel that resistance the thing to do is to move fully into it. Stop trying to make it go away. Experience the energy of the feeling of resistance. Then use that energy to do or deal with what you are resisting.

The feeling of resistance is actually a gift of energy. But most of us believe we have to overcome or ignore the resistance. Use the energy gift to move through your seeming obstacle with more ease and grace than you could ever have imagined.

Often the feeling of resistance manifests as procrastination. I think that most of us have had the feeling of procrastination and dread of a project. But after we'’ve actually tackled the project, we find it was so easy that we just laugh that we didn'’t go ahead and just do it” in the first place. That'’s using the gift of the energy we have avoided.

One method of experiencing the energy of the resistance is taught by Arnold Patent in You Can Have it All. Start be scanning your body for the feelings associated with the resistance. Feel the feelings free of any judgment whether they are good or bad. Welcome them. Feel the power of the feelings. Feel where you can feel them in your body. Check and see if there is size, color shape and/or dimension to the feelings. Now feel the feelings vibrate through your body. Feel the power of the feelings. Now feel appreciation for the feelings. Feel appreciation for the power of the feelings. Feel love for yourself as you feel your feelings. Feel love for yourself feeling the power of the feelings.

The above process can be used for any feeling. It opens us to the gift of the power and energy that is available with our feelings. In the case of resistance it also provides momentum to tackle what you'’ve been resisting. Once you have cleared the resistance for what you thought you didn'’t want, you ha’ve also made room for what you really do want.

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