Sunday, September 10, 2006


Insecurity is a crazy thing. Sometimes we believe what it has to tell us is real. Take for example that big interview. You put on your best suit, show up, nail it with your best professional persona.

Afterwards the doubts start to creep in. What if they think that's who I am? Oh, I wish I was that mature? Got them fooled, don'’t I? And so we question ourselves.

But really, that'’s life. A series of personas we put on to fit the situation. That doesn'’t make us fake or phony. It doesn'’t make us wrong or a fraud. It's just our natural ability to adapt.

We have this myth in our society that to be real means being the same all the time. Well, the realest people I know are those who can take their authentic self into any situation and still fit it. They don't fit in by being the same or by being phony. They fit in by adapting the situation.

It'’s like your clothes. You wear your shorts to the baseball game, your dress to your cousin'’s wedding, and a business suit to the big meeting. And then there'’s bedtime attire, but that'’s a topic all in itself. Underneath those clothes it'’s the same body, probably pretty much the same face (depending on whether or not you botox), the same person. So it is with personas. We just put on whatseem’s suitable for the moment.

So stop beating yourself up. Be you. Whoever that happens to be in the moment.

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