Monday, August 28, 2006

Goddess Principle: Silence

"One of our ancient sayings is that 'To the man who can
perfectly ponder inaction,all things are possible."
- Ernest Holmes in Science of Mind

One of the principles talked about in The Goddess Documents is the principle of silence.

Silence is where we find our demons and our gods. The demons that rule us whisper, speak and sometimes scream at us in the quiet. The self-talk, the errands, the petty day-to -day chatter that fills our heads becomes so apparent when we sit in silence. Often it does its job so well that we give up on sitting and get up to perform those very petty errands and demands. Not realizing that the silence holds more than we could have ever imagined, we comply with the voices that seek to distract us.

But when we sit in silence and watch or breath or chant a mantra (silently or out loud), the silence becomes a profound source of comfort and peace. And yes in that moment we can become one with the universe- maybe even touch God.

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